技术先进、易学易用、高投资回报的酒店 餐饮、会展等收益最大化专业服务平台



2017-03-11 admin 访问量:3140次
1.“Revenue Strategy isn’t a fancy new name for revenue management, it’s a different way of thinking.” 
- Cindy Estis Green, co-founder and CEO, Kalibri Labs收益策略并非收益管理的新名词,而是一种新的思维方式。

——Cindy Estis Green,酒店咨询机构Kalibri Labs联合创始人、CEO


“We don’t concentrate often on the leaping-ahead technologies that are necessary to stay at pace with the disruption that’s going on. We’re going into battle with our hands tied behind our back because we don’t have the technology available to do all the things we want to.”


——Mark Carrier,B.F. Saul Company Hospitality Group总裁


“I think hotel brands and management companies have a unique opportunity to focus on creating value for consumers in the booking process. All the threats and opportunities today come from the fact that consumer isn’t particularly happy with the status quo. The information they have empowers them, but also confuses them. Hotel organizations trying to force them into an old way of booking creates anxiety. Hotel companies have a high degree of trust with consumers in a way intermediaries can’t create and they have an opportunity to leverage that in pre-stay environments.”

——Patrick Bosworth,酒店收益管理服务商Duetto联合创始人、CEO


“As an industry we’re still stuck in the Stone Age. We’re looking for the next new amenity that will make the room more sexy – the next shower or coffee machine. It’s fascinating to me that the technology of Uber and Airbnb is phenomenal. It’s about priorities and for the hotel brands to win, we need to shift resources from traditional and antiquated sales strategies and focus on technology.”
——Shai Zelering,酒店投资公司Thayer Lodging, Brookfield Hotel Properties运营及资产管理执行董事


“It’s not about Big Data, but relevant data. Our expectation over the next 10 to 20 years, data companies will be the value creators in the economy.”
——Sloan Dean,Ashford Inc.收益优化副总裁


“More and more guests who would have booked at the front desk are in the parking lot booking on an app. The issue here is there are a lot of hotels playing the game of dropping rate on the last date and they’re teaching customers to check the app before checking in.”以往客户通过前台预订,而现在越来越多的客户是开车到了酒店停车场后,通过手机APP预订。这个场景存在的问题是,很多酒店都搞最后一天降价的戏码,这教会了客户在入住前一天才通过APP查价预订。
——Mark Morrison,希尔顿酒店集团企业战略副总裁


“For all the revenue managers out there whose relationship with the CTO might have been untouched before, they need to be more engaged.”那些跟CTO几乎没有来往的收益经理们,该走动走动啦!
——Jason Thielbahr,Red Lion Hotels Corp.收益优化及分销服务高级副总裁


“I’m warming to the idea that Airbnb is a structural threat to our industry in a way that perhaps many of us didn’t realize.”Airbnb对酒店业来说是个结构性的威胁,而我们很多行业者并未意识到这点。
——Mark Carrier,B.F. Saul Company Hospitality Group总裁


“You can think about what I’ve said and worry about it, or you can look at the positives: 3 billion new consumers, new technologies and a world more connected. The winners will be the optimists, but you have to move fast.”你可以回想我刚才演讲(“不是一场普通的瓦解:全球四大力量正在打破所有的趋势”)所说的并为其忧虑,你也可以正面地、积极去想:30亿新消费者、新技术、连接更为紧密的世界。乐观者为胜,但步伐必须快。
——Sree Ramaswamy,麦肯锡全球研究中心高级研究员
